The 36,410 square foot Akron Children’s Hospital North Canton Health Center brings together pediatric services previously offered at other locations in the area into one single location. The three-story facility houses pediatric primary care services, rehabilitation services and various specialty care services.
A central welcome center on level one allows patients and families to check in for appointments at self-serve kiosks or at the front desk. Open seating areas with large amounts of natural light and a mini ball machine provide comfortable places for patients and families to wait for appointments.
Level One is also dedicated to pediatric primary care services with 26 private exam rooms, physician and staff work areas, charting stations, a conference room and other associated support spaces.
The ground level includes about 10,000 square feet for rehabilitative services. An indoor track surrounds a 3,000 square foot gym space for exercise, sensory integration, and gross motor skills. The track has access to an outdoor path for rehabilitation bikes and tricycles. An exterior patio with playground equipment provides an alternative area for rehabilitation. As a nod to the nearby Pro Football Hall of Fame, a replica football field made of artificial playground grass accommodates additional rehab activities.
Level Two includes 18 exam rooms designed with flexibility to allow for various specialties to function within the same space. This floor also includes access to X-Ray equipment, blood draw/lab, echocardiography, EDG and a procedure room.
ClientAkron Childrens HospitalServicesDevelopmentLinkwww.akronchildrens.org